If you let me I could, I'd show you how to build your fences
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics.
they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top).
Selasa, 11 Mei 2010, 03.54
Geje Mode
Ja-di, dalam rangka mengerjakan tugas komputer alias bikin blog. Saya lanjutin lagi ini blog yang dengan indahnya sudah terlantar selama err *itung jari* lama :3;;. Dan, udah ga tau mao ngisi apa lagi, saya iseng-iseng minta Questionairrie sama temen. Dikasih, sama Yumeh, dan entah kenapa pertanyaannya gile-geje-abis.
Give me the names of 3 objects or things you love most Komik, Hp gw, Komputer.
Give me the names of 3 objects or things you dislike most Anjing, Buku Pelajaran, Gedung Sekolah
Tell me about something you really care about? Diri sendiri
Do you dream? Kadang, kebanyakan tidur sih =)).
Give me 3 places you would like to go on a vacation? Canada, London, Moscow
What scares you the most Anjing
What do you do in your free time? Tidur
Do you like chocolate? Yang mentah nggak.
Which is the hardest thing you ever had to do? Namatin Dawn of Mana
Tell me about your favorite book, magazine or comic? Inheritance Cycle; Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr! XD
Do you like to shop? Hell No DX
How often do you go online Sehari minimal 3 jem :D
Are you usually late, early or right on time TELAT wakakak
You can have one of the following two things: trust/love? Ngga dua-duanya. Kalo disuruh milih; Trust? :3
Your best friend dies, what would you do? Ikutan pas dia dikubur/dibakar. Pulang ke rumah kayak biasa :D
When and how was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt? Lusa kemaren, tentang.. Rahasia ;)
Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a heart break or have never loved before? Have never Loved before, kalo diputusin percuma dong, ngerepotin aja =))
If you could do anything OR wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish? Punya Telekinesis biar ga usah jalan.
That's it :D Kok kayaknya konyol amat ya? =)) Birain deh, berhubung saia ga tau mo ngisi apa hehe.
Vanity isn't a sin, a little narcissm wouldn't hurt.
+ Zen is an ordinary girl that loves anime and musics.
+ She loves chatting with people, altough she is a little passive
+ Choose photoshoping for a hobby
+ Always dreaming for something impossible
Glo - NbLA
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